The Walking Dumbbell Lunge Challenge The Goal: 50 Reps Total (25 each leg) Females: You must use a total of half of your bodyweight (in lbs) with dumbbells . For example, someone who weighs 140 lbs, would use 35 lb dumbbells in each hand. Males: You must use a total of 70% of your bodyweight (in lbs) with dumbbells . For example, someone who weighs 185 lbs, would use 65 lb dumbbells in each hand. ... Read More »
Author Archives: Justin Rivelli
Should You Follow a Strict Diet For Long Term Body Fat Reduction?
July 8, 2015
I decided to take a different approach to get my point across with this video. If you like it, let me know on my YouTube channel or Facebook page. I hope you laugh, learn, and get thinking because of this film. I appreciate you watching! Some references used: ... Read More »
Complete, FREE, 4 Week Strength and Body Composition Training Program
May 18, 2015
It was awesome to see how many local gym enthusiasts and friends performed my twelve week body composition training program. This inspired me to put out a a full video series with voice-over, along with a documented description of my recent training for you as well. If you want to see some strength and body composition improvements, give the system below a shot. If you have any questions at all comment below, however I do explain more in the ... Read More »
My Six Month Front Squat Experiment + Back Squat Challenge = Failure or Victory?
May 8, 2015
For those of you that like watching instead of reading, you can view the video below… The Disappointment. Six months ago I performed a fifty rep back squat challenge with my body weight on the bar. Spoiler alert…I failed miserably. The problem was, at around rep 17 my lower back was toast. When I got to number 20, I pretty much collapsed. Despite all this, I somehow managed to grind out a total of 24 reps. ... Read More »
Protected: Five Minute Mindset Medicine
March 8, 2015
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. Read More »
Elena and I Training: 4 Weeks of Training, Everyday Filmed, Entire Program Given (With Commentary)
February 15, 2015
Since Elena and I have been training together over the last three weeks, I decided to film our sessions and provide you with some commentary. In the videos below you will both see and hear about… 1. The programs were following. 2. The parameters and differences between them. 3. Why we’re using this system. We also came across some weird little encounters and add in some surprises/entertainment in some of these videos as well. If ... Read More »
The Rule of Three (Fitness Version)
December 23, 2014
When listening to an audio tape, I once heard Brian Tracy explain “The Rule of Three”. This strategy is used to teach business owners how to maximize their priorities. Throughout this post, I have transformed and expanded this concept in a way I believe can greatly benefit people looking to improve their fitness. My words don’t represent him, but I wanted to give credit where it’s due. In this article you will learn… There are ... Read More »
WHAT You’re Doing May Not Even Matter
December 14, 2014
Why are we amazed when some people do things, but turned off when so many others perform that same activity? What you implement is important. It’s a decisive factor in determining whether you will receive a magnificent or skunky outcome. Nonetheless, if how you perform that something is lousy, receiving jaw-dropping results is most likely doubtful. How you do what you do can bring either total success, or total failure. Below are three quick examples ... Read More »
Complete 12 Week Body Transformation Training Program
December 5, 2014
In this article you will learn… This is a challenging and demanding body transformation program that can get you stronger and leaner over the next 12 weeks. This program can be used to check and confirm you’re not just going through the motions. It asks you to progress in at least some way each week, as long as you are able to keep form intact. If you start this routine, execute it properly and finish it to its entirety, the end ... Read More »
10 Things You Must Grasp When Visiting or Living in Fitness World! An Epic 5,000 Word Post
September 28, 2014
Here is what you should know… The ten bullet points below can transform you from a newcomer into an expert, with strategies you may have never thought of before. Novices or advanced beginners will really benefit from this post, however the following applicable information is meant to serve even the most advanced trainees and coaches as well. I am defining “fitness world” as a place where people go for human and social interaction and/or to ... Read More »