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Tag Archives: bodybuilding

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 2

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 2

For more information about this program, click here for the introduction and day one. Here is day three, and here is day four. Very quickly I will remind you that in the 1-2-3-4 training program you will.. Perform one exercise, then rest and repeat until all your sets are completed. Perform a superset (two exercises in a row with minimal to no rest in between exercises) and repeat until all your sets are completed. Perform ... Read More »

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program:  Introduction & Day 1

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Introduction & Day 1

What you will receive in this article series is… A new six week training program you can use at any point in your training “career”. Picture and video demonstrations of each day/exercise that can be tailored to fit your current level of training. How to fit this to your training schedule whether that be two, three, four or five days a week. My programming is always specific to the individual but I figured I would ... Read More »

Work Your Way Up The Split Squat Scale

Work Your Way Up The Split Squat Scale

Like in my work your way up the squatting scale article, this post is straightforward and easy to understand. In it I will explain… How to “level up” your split squats or rear foot elevated split squats (RFESS). By this I mean… If you can perform level one easily and correctly, then you are warranted to move on to level two. If you can perform level two easily and correctly, you are given the right ... Read More »

You Probably Don’t Use This Style of Training But You Should

You Probably Don’t Use This Style of Training But You Should

In this article you will learn… What tempo training is. How and why to utilize it. Mistakes and corrections in the application of it. Tempo Training: “The Break Down” In simple terms, coming from a musician, tempo is defined as the speed or pace of a given “piece”. In a fitness sense, it’s the speed or pace of a given “exercise”.  Although every movement we perform has a specific tempo naturally and without thinking, manipulating and/or paying attention ... Read More »

You Must Learn This Before You Start Training (For Ladies and Gentlemen)

You Must Learn This Before You Start Training (For Ladies and Gentlemen)

In this article I’m going to teach you three things… 1.  Why you need to learn the hip hinge before you begin any type of training program.. 2.  The mistakes I come across in just about every client when coaching it. 3.  How to correct these exact errors. WHY LEARN THE HIP HINGE? If you cannot perform a proper hip hinge, you should not be attempting some of the most important and popular exercises being ... Read More »

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