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Lat Pulldowns: How to Make Them More Effective

Lat Pulldowns: How to Make Them More Effective

In this post you will learn… 1. Eight “mistakes” of the lat pulldown. 2. How to make this exercise more effective. 3. What a “good” lat pull-down looks like. The lat pull-down is an extremely common exercise I see butchered daily. Below you will learn how to make this exercise more effective by generating more tension on the musculature you are aiming too (the latissimus dorsi or the “lats”). Let’s get started. EIGHT LESS THAN ... Read More »

You Probably Don’t Use This Style of Training But You Should

You Probably Don’t Use This Style of Training But You Should

In this article you will learn… What tempo training is. How and why to utilize it. Mistakes and corrections in the application of it. Tempo Training: “The Break Down” In simple terms, coming from a musician, tempo is defined as the speed or pace of a given “piece”. In a fitness sense, it’s the speed or pace of a given “exercise”.  Although every movement we perform has a specific tempo naturally and without thinking, manipulating and/or paying attention ... Read More »

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