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Monthly Archives: December 2015

The Crumble “Complex Plus” Challenge

The Crumble “Complex Plus” Challenge

Rather Watch Than Read? Here You Go! Technically a complex is a series of movements performed without putting the bar down. Therefore, I called this “The Crumble Complex Plus” challenge, for a couple reasons. One is, because even though you’ll never let go of the barbell in this challenge, you do put it down, hence the “plus” portion of the title. The second and last reason is, because not only to the reps diminish each ... Read More »

Split Squat Progression (Over 70 Exercise Variations)

Split Squat Progression (Over 70 Exercise Variations)

In this video you’ll be taken on a journey through the wonderful world of split squats. You’ll arrive at one of the least difficult variations, and depart with one of the most challenging. I also threw in a bunch of other options at the end as well. Since this film consists of over seventy different variations, you’ll be guided by the delicate articulation and powerful energy of the hang percussion instrument. So sit back, relax, ... Read More »

Strength Training Warm Up

Strength Training Warm Up

Since it’s starting to get cold out, it might be time for you to consider executing a general warm up before your training sessions. If you’re not currently using one, or are unsure of what to do, I’ve created a video for you, that also focuses on some of the most common problem areas I see on a daily basis. A well structured warm up can help you: 1. Improve upon the mobility of and ... Read More »

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