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Monthly Archives: March 2014

Is This Common Triceps Extension Mistake Actually Correct?

Do the elbows really have to stay stationary when doing any sort of triceps extension? We all know the triceps extend or straighten the elbow, but we often forget it extends the shoulder as well. See what I am talking about in the video below and figure out how you can get more out of any triceps exercise. While we’re on the subject of the triceps, I’ll show you an easier way to set ... Read More »

After Watching This Video You Will Never Do Pullovers The Same Again

After Watching This Video You Will Never Do Pullovers The Same Again

I figured it’s time I start talking on camera, so in these videos you will learn… How to perform the pullover correctly. A new version of the pullover. How to regress the pullover if you don’t have the mobility, and why I love them with cables on the floor. If the videos below help you or someone that you believe could benefit from them, subscribe to my channel, like it, and or share these wherever ... Read More »

Six Weeks to Strong, Shredded, & Sexy (The 1-2-3-4 Training Program): Outro & Day 5

Six Weeks to Strong, Shredded, & Sexy (The 1-2-3-4 Training Program): Outro & Day 5

In this post I will show you… How you should structure the 1-2-3-4 training program according to your weekly schedule. What you can do on day five if you want to add in an extra day. If you missed any of the other days I have linked them at the end of the article. What should I do for day five? For day five you can perform “accessory” work, train muscle groups  that need extra ... Read More »

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 4

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 4 For more information about this training program, click here for the introduction and day one. You can also see the complete video above. Very quickly I will remind you that in the 1-2-3-4 training program you will.. Perform one exercise, then rest and repeat until all your sets are completed. Perform a superset (two exercises in a row with minimal to no rest in between exercises) and repeat until all your sets are completed. ... Read More »

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 3

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 3 For more information about this program, click here for the introduction and day one. While were on the subject here is day two, and here is day four.  Very quickly I will remind you that in the 1-2-3-4 training program you will.. Perform one exercise, then rest and repeat until all your sets are completed. Perform a superset (two exercises in a row with minimal to no rest in between exercises) and repeat until ... Read More »

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 2

The 1-2-3-4 Training Program: Day 2

For more information about this program, click here for the introduction and day one. Here is day three, and here is day four. Very quickly I will remind you that in the 1-2-3-4 training program you will.. Perform one exercise, then rest and repeat until all your sets are completed. Perform a superset (two exercises in a row with minimal to no rest in between exercises) and repeat until all your sets are completed. Perform ... Read More »

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